Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Review of Legacyclix - Not Recommended

Legacyclix has paid to its members.  It even pays within 48 hours. But we do not recommend legacyclix.

Our Ranking: Not Recommended


1.  Reviews of legacyclix from those who worked there are contradictory.  Though some people show payment proofs, it is certain that many ad-viewers are suspended of their accounts for various reasons which are uncommon with legacyclix.  For example, just for entering wrong capitcha, no ptc site would suspend your account.  But legacyclix does it.

2.  A ptc site should not ask for personal id proof that may be misused.  Legacyclix deletes your account for not submitting your id proof.

3.  No ptc site deletes your account just for changing your profile settings.  But legacyclix does it.  It is one of their terms and conditions that you agree with when you register your account.

4.  If your full name is not matching with the name found in your id proof or  a small mistake is found, your account will be deleted with all your earnings.

5.  There is a complaint that they are not responding to queries and complaints of the account holders.

6. As per PTC investication.com, legacyclix has stopped paying to its users.

7.  There are more self-sponsored ads rather than those received from outside advertisers.

Hence beware of Legacyclix.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Review of Grandbux - Not Recommended

Grandbux which was earlier in debt is not in debt now and is capable of paying its ad-viewers.
Still we do not recommend grandbux.

Our Ranking: Not Recommended


1.  Grandbux suspended many accounts earlier when it was in debt.  Now it is not at all responding to those affected people who lost much of their earnings there.  You may also face the same problem in future.

2.  Working there is so costly.  For upgrading to silver, you have to pay $69.  When other ptc sites allow you to rent referrals in the range of 3 rr for 0.6, Grandbux has fixed 100rr for $16.  Until you get $16, you cannot rent referrals.  Even to reach $1, it takes more than a month.  How will you grow there?

3.  There is a general complaint about grandbux that they ask for your id proof such as driving license, etc.  It is very dangerous to provide id online that may lead to misuse of your personal data for any illegal purposes.  No other Ptc site except grandbux is asking like this.

4.  It takes much time to load the ads.

5.  They mostly have ads of their own site, not received from outside that questions their revenue and such a site will fall into debt one day and all your earnings will disappear.

6.  Even to cash out, it fixes $5 that you can earn only after 6 months unless you buy referrals paying your own money.

So, Be aware of Grandbux.

Review of Buxinside - Not Recommended

Buxinside is a newborn PTC site.  It has paid to the ad-viewers.  But we do not recommend this site.



1.  It is a new site.  In the case of PTC site, only after one year we can trust the site, if it continues to exist.

2. It pays every 10 seconds.  May be but there is a complaint that the admin demands to return the money already paid.  The problem is with the unsteady mind of the admin.  He wanted to change the payment currency from USD to EUR for the advantage of the ad-viewers and he did it.   Now he feels, as he has said in the forum, that he is on the wrong direction.  The sales are down. So he wants to restore the previous currency system.

3.  The ads are very few, only 4 ads to say. How can you earn much with this site?  Each ad again pays only EUR 0.001.

4.  The minimum cash out is just EUR 0.1 but it will take you 10 months to reach that amount, unless you are upgraded or bring more referrals both of which are difficult.  Because you cannot invest on a new site like buxinside. Eventhough you increase your referrals, there is no guarantee that your referrals will continue to work with such poor earnings.

5.  Ad loading time is much.

The admin has wrongly thought that minimum payout and instant payout will attract many people to the site. 

Review of BUXP - Not Recommended

About BuxP:

Though BuxP is a genuinely paying  old PTC site, we don't recommend.

Our Ranking: Not Recommended


1. Ads are very few.  Your daily earning will be very low.  Ads available per day are uncertain and not fixed in number.  Sometimes you get only 4 ads.  It is very difficult for the beginner to reach $1 even after 3 months.

2.  Ads loading time is much in comparison to other sites.  Though the timer runs  for 10 seconds, it takes much time for the timer to start.

3.  You are disappointed when you click some ads which come with the message: Not Credited

4.  Cash out is $6.99.  It is very difficult to reach it even after 1 year if you don't get any direct referral. (Getting direct referral is not easy for most of the beginners)

5.  No rent referral system that is available in most of the PTC sites except Clixsense. So there is no scope for potential growth.

6.  Upgrading your account to premium for one year, you have to pay $49.99 that is too high in comparison to your earnings there.

7.  Adult ads will shock you if you click the ads with your family members, especially with children. (Though you can disable adult ads in your profile settings, many beginners may not know this.)

8.  The site has "Anti-cheat Link" ad. If you click this ad by mistake, all your earning will become zero.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Top Genuine PTC Sites


    Started : March 25, 2008
    Owner: Fernando of Portugal
    Cash out: $2
    Rent Referrals: 3 rrs =$ 0.6
    No.of Ads per day:20 to 30 ads
    Per Click:$ 0.001
    Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

    Click here to start working:



    Started : February 2007
   Owner: Mr. Jim Grago
   Restricted in : Afghanistan, Albania, Antarctica, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Iran, Iraq, North       
    Korea, Niger and Vietnam.
    Cash out: $8
    Rent Referrals: No rent referrals system
    No.of Ads per day:20 to 30 ads
    Per Click:$ 0.001 (few ads with $0.01)
    Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

Click here to start working:



    Started : 3 years before
   Owner: Pascal Mihaela (Romania)
    Cash out: $2
    Rent Referrals: 5 rrs = $ 0.75
    No.of Ads per day: 10 to 20 ads
    Per Click:$ 0.001 (few ads with $0.0025)
    Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

    Click here to start working:



    Started :21-06-2015
   Owner: Mahamad Farajalla
    Cash out: $5
    Rent Referrals: 3 rrs = $ 0.6
    No.of Ads per day: 10 to 20 ads
    Per Click:$ 0.001 (few ads with $0.01 during free golden membership trial)
     Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

    Click here to start working:



 Started : June 2014
   Owner: Mahamad Farajalla
    Cash out: $5
    Rent Referrals: 5 rrs = $ 0.75
    No.of Ads per day: 10 to 15 ads
    Per Click:$ 0.001
     Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

Click here to start working:



    Started : 19-04-2014
   Owner: Drew and Jesse (also genuine owner of Traffic Return)
    Cash out: $5
    Rent Referrals: 5 rrs = $ 0.75
    No.of Ads per day: 10 to 15 ads
    Per Click:$ 0.001
    [you must view 6 ads here to earn from your referrals]
     Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

Click here to start working:



    Started : 03-02- 2005 (the Oldest PTC Site)
   Owner: Sebas Broekhof from Netherlands (Owner of famous Multimoney Group)
    Cash out: $1.06[payment made within two weeks]
    Rent Referrals: No, but adcoops 10referrals = $ 10
    No.of Ads per day: unlimited (you can even do manual surf and earn)
    Per Click: 0.1cent
   Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

Click here to start working:
DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout



    Started : 10-11-2015
   Owner: Andy Seo from South Korea (a senior software engineer at a global IT company)
    Cash out: $4 (within some undefined days)
    Rent Referrals: 25 rrs = $ 5
    No.of Ads per day: 16ads (worthy of $0.001 and above)
    Per Click:$ 0.001

     Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended

Click here to start working:



    Started : October 2010
   Owner: Dimitrios Karnelatos (also the owner of Scarlet-clicks ptc site)
    Cash out: $1 first time, second time onwards $2 (within 2-7 days)
    Rent Referrals: 5 rrs = $ 0.75
    No.of Ads per day: 6 to 10 ads (worthy of $0.001 and above)
    Per Click:$ 0.001

     Our Present Ranking: Genuine and Recommended 

Click here to start working:

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Ten Rules to Work on a PTC Site

The following are the 10 commandments to Work on a PTC Site.  If you violate any one of them, your account will be blocked and you cannot withdraw the money you earned.
1. Open only one account on a PTC Site.  If you want to earn more, open another account on another PTC Site.

2.  Use the same computer and the same internet connection ( same ip address).  Working on browsing centre/ net cafe is not permitted.

3.  You must never click the anti-cheater ad or ad with a warning "don't click this ad".  If you click, your account will be blocked or your previous earnings will become zero.
(The computer will assume that you are a robot, not a sensible human.)

4.  Don't give any false details except your user name.  Providing fake account details will lead to termination of your account.

5.  Choose same time everyday and if you log in at a different time, ads may not be available and your earnings will be affected.

6.  You must click at least 4 ads everyday, especially fixed advertisements.   Otherwise, all your earnings from your referrals will not be credited to your account.

7.  If you don't log in for 30 days, your account will be deleted or it will become inactive.  Then your earnings too will be lost.

8.  Don't desire for additional earnings through sign up offers on a PTC Site.  If you sign up on the recommended site second time knowingly or unknowingly, your account Will be blocked. ( it is possible to commit this mistake. So avoid taking risk on it)

9.  Don't play games on a Ptc Site to win a prize.  It's sheer wastage of time.  You can rarely win by reaching the target they fix.  You can click and earn more on the same time on another new ptc site more than this amount.
10.  Don't work on a Ptc Site that has no rented referrals option.  Don't merely buy referrals again and again if the referrals don't earn even the amount you spent to buy them.

Don't forget these commandments which is taken from the PTC bible.

Wish you good luck.

Friday, 1 April 2016

How to Start Working on a PTC Site? (Step by Step Guide)

What is a PTC Site?

A site that pays you for viewing advertisements is known as a PTC Site.  The term PTC stands for "Paid to Click."  You don't need any typing skill or degree qualification.  You need not spend more than 2 hours per day.  Such a simple online work is working on a PTC Site.

How to Start Working? 


1. Have an Email ID

 If you already have an email id, you can go to step 2.  Otherwise click here and create an email id. 

2. Opening an Account on Payza or Paypal

Payza or Paypal is a wellknown online payment platform that helps you add, transfer and receive funds.  This account is very important to transfer your earnings from your PTC site to your bank account.  If you already have an account, skip this step and move to STEP 3, otherwise,
Click here to open a Payza account that is mostly accepted by all PTC sites. (RECOMMENDED)
Click here to open a Paypal account which is also accepted by many sites. Some sites are not paying through Paypal and have kept the payment in pending due to legal issues.(SUGGESTED)

3. Sign up On the Selected PTC Site:

There are many ptc sites online and you have to select one which is genuine and pays you handsomely.  If you don't know how to choose the Best PTC site, click here. 

Let us guide you through an example PTC site that is the most popular and genuine one  Click the banner below and sign up

 For new registration, you have to fill in a registration form.  In the column "payza email" in the registration form, enter the email id used for opening an account with payza in the previous step.  They will send activation link to this email id only. Once you submit your registration, they will send a code to your email address. Open a new window and  go to inbox and copy the code and paste the code on the registration form.  Remember, don't close your neobux window before the registration is complete.  If you have already closed the window and then once again you have to fill in the form.  Now your account with Neobux is ready.  You can sign in with your user id and password to start working. (leave the secondary password column blank on the sign in page since neobux is a more secured site)

4.  Working on a PTC site:
When you enter the above neobux site, you can see your user id on the top.  Now you have to click 'view advertisements' tab to start working.  You can see ads in different colours.  Click only one ad at a time, it will open in a new window and wait until it gets processed.  When you click, you can see 'waiting for the advertisements to load' message.  Wait until you get "advertisement validated" message.  You can also view how much money is credited into your account.  Yes it's your salary.  FIRST ONLINE SALARY.   Now you can click in the same way for the next ad.  You will have only 20 to 25 ads at the initial stage.  After clicking all the ads available, click your user id at the top and you can see your total earnings today. 

You may think that the amount is very poor.  Yes.  But only at the initial stage.  We will teach you how to earn more gradually by buying direct and rented referrals.  Within 6 months, you will get regular income of about $200 to $300 (12000 to 18000 rupees).  If you manage 10 to 20 genuine PTC sites in your list and work there everyday regularly for 2 to 4 hours, your earnings will definitely be more than what you expected.  Many people enter a PTC site with an expectation to earn more on the very first day.  It will never work here.  Here you are paid not for your work, but for your PATIENCE and REGULAR WORK.

Before working online, first read the top 10 problems in working online.
Wish you good luck.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Top 10 Problems in Online Jobs

Reliability is a major question in doing online jobs.  The site you are working poses you the following problems:

  1. Closure of Site:    It may suddenly and permanently become inaccessible.  The site will disappear with all your earnings that you haven't claimed until now.
  2. Server Busy!  The server may be down temporarily, especially the usual time when you work on.
  3.  Your Account Getting Blocked: your accounts may be deleted (for the mistakes you committed or the rules you violated knowingly or unknowingly.  Here too, your earnings will be lost.  You cannot do anything.
  4. Delay in Payment: The employer may keep your payments bending.  We may not know when they will make settlements to you.  They have forum, but there is no guarantee that you will get positive reply.
  5. Misuse of Your Personal Data: Your personal details may be stolen and misused. It happens especially when you do survey jobs.  They collect information about your age, family members details, salary, etc and at last they would simply say that you are not qualified for the survey.  What about the data they collected from you?  
  6. Denial of Payment: Pointing to inaccuracy or in-completion before deadline, they may deny your payment.  It happens when you undertake data entry work.  They give you image files with errors and ask you to type the same but expect accuracy on the outcome.  How is it possible?  They give more pages to type which is not possible to be completed within 18 days that they fix as your deadline.  Consequently you lose your income.
  7. Unwanted Offer Mails: You may be annoyed with thousands of offer mails sent by them.  Without signup, you cannot login and do online work.  Some firms sell your email id to online sources and you are likely to receive so many offer mails among which your important regular mails will be buried.
  8. Net Charges: Your browsing charges are a burden until you get your first payment.
  9. Registration Fees:   Many scam sites ask you to pay registration charges to earn $1000 and so on in a few days.  Surely $1000 can be earned in a few days not by you but by them.  You may find such a site a scam one after a couple of weeks,  leading to waste of hard work, time, money invested on it.  Think twice.  Why should you pay any amount?  You have to give work on your part and they have to pay on their part.
  10. Risk to Your PC:  Your system is likely to be corrupted by the virus they send along with their software package which you must install to get online work or to earn more points.  Sometimes they change your browser settings and track whatever you type, wherever you log in online.  Beware of such frauds.  

How to Choose the Best PTC Site?

A PTC site is one that pays you for the advertisements you click on their site and view for certain fixed time.  You can transfer the money you earned through payza or paypal or any such account and then to your bank account.   How to choose the best PTC site is made simple here:
  1. Year of Establishment :   Most of the PTC sites disappear suddenly with all your earnings.  They don't give any chance to you to track them or contact them. So, choose only the PTC site which is strongly footed for more than 3  to 5 years.
  2. Payment  Proof:  Visit the site and verify the payment  proof.  Sometimes even the records called as proofs may be false.  See the payment date, time, and name of the person and it should be a very recent one(within one week). ( Generally false data are not regularly updated.)
  3. Minimum cash out:     Minimum cash out should be a low one, as low as $1 or $2.  Why?  At the initial stage, even to earn one dollar, it may take 2 months to you on some sites. Some sites condition that minimum cash out is 5 or $8 that means, your 4 to 6 months hard work.  In the mean time, anything may happen.  Your account may suddenly be blocked for unknown reasons.  Or the site may announce: "We are planing an improved site and wait for sometime for our relaunch"( they may never return back).  If you earn 10 dollars per month on one site, transfer at least 50% to your Payza or paypal account and invest the remaining for your further growth there.
  4. Scope for further growth:     A PTC site which has no options for further growth cannot be the best one.  If there is no rented referral, you may avoid such sites.  Because getting direct referral or adpack without payment is not that much easy.  The amount to upgrade your account should be low.  All PTC earners may not have blog or website of their own to post the banners of the ptc sites and earn direct referrals.  A PTC site may be genuine, but if it has no scope for increase in income, you must avoid it.
  5. Compare and Assess:   Test, assess and find the truth.  Just compare your 1 month earning of one site with all other sites on your list and you can find the real value of that site.  For example, if you maintain monthly data of earning from different 20 sites, you can find that what one site earns in one month can be earned in another site within 3 days.
  6. High Paying Sites:    If the site offers at least $0.001 per ad.click, it's o.k.  If they say $0.0001 or 0.0003, better you can avoid them to save your time.  A best site is one that pays at least $0.01 or $0.001 or more.  Just search through any search engines and you can find high paying sites.
  7. Number of Ads:   A site must have 10 or more ads.  What is the use of having only 4 ads which some sites have.  At the same time what is the use of having nano ads 100s in number with payment of $0.00001 that nobody will click.  So choose the site that has minimum number of ads that guarantees certain amount of regular income, especially in the initial stage.  Once you hold more referrals, even four ads will be enough for you to earn 300 to 500 dollars per month regularly and your referrals will click and earn for you.
  8. Read the Review First:  Before choosing a ptc site, first read the online review of that site to verify the genuineness and payments of the site.  Without reading review if you start working on the site, one day you will get great disappointment and all your hardwork, the money you earned and the time you spent will laugh at you.
  9. Beware of Mini Jobs:    A PTC site that merely offers mini jobs cannot be the best site.  Most of the PTC sites offer more chances to earn money other than by clicking ads but in some way they would waste your time.  For example, a site may ask you click a grid to win a prize.  Even after 20 clicks, you will get the same answer "you did not win this time, good luck next time".  All sites give you signup offers but with some conditions which, if you violate unknowingly, will end up with the closure of your account with all your earning ending in smoke.  You cannot sign up to the same site you have already signed up from the same IP address or with the same details.  In a way, these are all, sometimes, tricks used by those sites to make you fall victim.
  10. No LOG IN Issue:   A site which often shows you login issues cannot be a reliable site.  Most of the PTC sites are run by money-minded people who in a hurried way build their sites and have more security issues.  They never tell you how you can contact them if you have server problems and they never maintain their sites properly. You are likely to get disappointed there one day and so be alert within one week of time you work there.    Beware of Online Jobs and read our Top 10 Issues with Online Jobs First.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016


The time you spend, the interest and stuff you have and the genuineness of the company matter when you work online.  Here is a list of top online jobs.  For each such category, you can find best websites, their reviews and step by step guide to work there on our site.
You can earn money just by clicking ads.  Such sites are generally known as PTC sites. For each ad, they pay you from 0.001 to 0.01 $ and you can earn maximum of 1 to 5 $ (around 60 to 300 rupees in Indian money) depending on the ads available and the time you spend for clicks.  You will be disappointed if you desire more at the initial stage.  But gradually your income will increase by effective use of several options available there and within 6 months you can reach 100$ to 200$ (6000 to 12000 rupees)  if you have patience and spend at least 15 minutes daily on their site.   Yes, only gradually you can find your money rising. Be aware of  scam PTC sites online which are more than thousand in number.  For genuine PTC sites and step by step guide to earn on such sites, click relevant articles.
2.  CAPTCHA Solving Jobs.
You are paid 1$ for solving 1000 captchas and if you have a good and fast typing skill, this job will help you a lot.  But there are two problems: the amount they pay varies from time to time on the same day and so you should choose the best time to type and earn more.  Another problem is that you cannot type wrongly frequently and if you do so, they will kick you off.  Your account will be terminated and no amount will be paid after repeated errors. Systematically by using other options available on their site, 2 hours per day, you can earn up to 50$ to 200$ per month.
Data entry jobs are best suitable for those who have a good typing skill.  The works are of several types ranging from simple form filling to html typing jobs.  You are paid 1$ per page and maximum of 250 pages will be offered with a time frame of 18 days. Depending upon the accuracy, they will reduce your payment.  Here the amount paid is higher in comparison to other online jobs and you don’t need even internet connection if the company sends the data by mail.  But if you fail to finish the work within the deadline, you will not be paid at all.  You can earn up to 500$ (33,000 rupees).
If you are able to write articles, news, jokes or some content in English worth interesting, certain sites are ready to pay you handsomely.  There are sites which pay from 3$ to 350$ for every article you write and the stuff in it.  You need to be creative to earn more here.   You can find articles on our site about top ten sites which offer such writing jobs and step by step guide to earn there.  Your content should be error free and it should be of interest to wide audience.
If you have reasonable comments and valuable opinions, this kind of job will be suitable  for you.  They will first collect your personal data and your area of interest and experience.  Then they will offer suitable survey works for you either through email or on their site.  To complete each survey, it may take 10 to 30 minutes and the amount they pay will be worthy for your work.   If your opinions are false and not valid, you may not be called for the next survey.  You are paid 10 to 500 points for each survey you complete ( 1200 points = 10$) and you can earn as much as possible.  But here too there are thousands of scam survey sites which collect your personal information and sell your data for money or ask you to pay advance amount and you never really earn anything at all.  Some sites simply collect all your personal data and after 10 minutes say that you are not qualified for the survey with just a ‘sorry’. On our site we list only  the genuine and verified survey sites which you can confidently visit and have the experience of making money.

About Us

If you are searching for ways to make money online or by some other means, your search will end here.

Surely, we are not (at present) providing any job to make money but we guide and direct you to some sites where you can genuinely make money(ya… nothing illegal here).
We save your time that you waste when you access thousands of worthless, scam and dangerous sites which promise you more but do nothing.   In fact, they make you aware of online frauds, by showing themselves as an example.
Here you can find reviews of genuine as well as scam moneymaking sites which will quickly put you on the right path.
Don’t forget only one thing:
“Don’t cheat anyone and don’t get cheated by anyone.  The more you desire, the more you fall victims to those frauds.”